My Love comes Bearing Gifts

Präsentationen erfolgreich vorbereiten

Als Wissens-Teilerin verschenke ich hier die 3 Blogposts zum Thema “Präsentationen erfolgreich vorbereiten”, zusammengefasst in einem PDF-Dokument.  Einfach unten auf den Text klicken und dann drucken oder speichern

9 Wegweiser für eine gelungene Präsentation

Für alle, die es kürzer mögen, oder die gerne Präsentationen lesen, gibt es noch die Slideshare-Schnell-Lese-Fassung:


9 Punkte für gelungene Präsentationen from Caroline Kliemt

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9 Wegweiser zu einer gelungenen Präsentation – Teil 3: Auftritt

Die Botschaft ist gefunden, die Visualisierung steht – auf der letzten Ebene gilt es, den Auftritt also die Präsentation als solche vorzubereiten. Leitgedanke ist auch hier, dass eine Vortragssituation dann gelingt, wenn sie wertschätzend ist.

Um Wertschätzung für das Thema bei meinem Auftritt zu zeigen, möchte ich Anklang bei den Teilnehmern zu erzeugen. Und der Anklang wird um so deutlicher, je emotionaler mein Vortrag ist – so dass er auch  Gefühle bei den Beteiligten weckt. Mein Botschaft ist mir eine Herzensangelegenheit.

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Presenting like Louisa Heinrich and Caroline Drucker

Summary of Ignite Berlin 23rd May 2012 – and a list of 6 pieces of advice to others.


What is Ignite? An Ignite talk is similar to Pecha Kucha  but harder still: 20 slides automatically forwarding after 15 seconds each – which sums up to a 5 minute talk.

The speakers’ list of Ignite Berlin had international guests on it – and there was an audience of about 70-100 people who gathered at the now officially opened Supermarkt, an event location and co-working space  in Brunnenstraße.

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Presenting like… Jeremy ‘Shoemoney’ Schoemaker

An easygoing storyteller calmly presenting his audience with one great piece of advice after the other.

(auf diesen Text klicken um den Artikel auf Deutsch zu lesen)

Jeremy Schoemaker is a celebrity in his line of business – an online marketer or rather the affiliate marketing expert. In the second week of January he held the keynote at the Affiliate Summit 2012 in Las Vegas. In preparing this keynote Jeremy did the obvious thing and asked himself “What is key in affiliate marketing?” – and then presented his answers to the question in his speech.

If you want to understand this blogpost you will like to watch his keynote – thankfully also showing his slides – on the Shoemoney blog (it takes 37 minutes).

For the first few minutes Jeremy seems shy, later on he’s sometimes self-ironic in what he says. He goes on stage with his hands in his pockets speaking in a low voice, standing (or hiding) behind the lectern almost all of the 37 minutes. …

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Present like Steve Jobs

New series on this blog – starting today  

R.I.P. Steve Jobs – when he was still alive clients and friends repeatedly told me they wanted to be able to “present like Steve Jobs”.

That’s aiming high and in the right direction as not only were his keynotes always memorable (at least for Apple fans) but reportedly he rehearsed a lot.

However, two facts oppose the possibility of being able to present like Steve Jobs did: To begin with anyone I have known so far presented a product or concept that everyone in the audience wanted anyway (as much wanted as new Apple products are wanted by their fans). This means that only those who have really sexy and hyped products or concepts have a chance of getting close to Jobs. But the second obstacle is insurmountable: We’re not Steve Jobs.

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